Our Union - Our Voice

One of the most powerful ways we exercise our collective voice is at the local bargaining table, where we bargain issues such as wages, hours, and working conditions for Bremerton certificated educators. 

Bargaining Gains

  • In 2019-2020, a starting salary (BA+0, Step 0) of $52,385, and a top salary (MA+90, Step 16) of $105,019!
  • Class size limits and overload pay
  • Strong non-discrimination rights
  • Paid leaves - including sick leave, personal leave, speacial leave, and many others
  • Defined evaluaiton procedures and criteria (TPEP)
  • Specific work days and hours
  • Safety provisions to protect staff and students 
  • Academic freedom
  • Fair grievance procedures 
  • Fair transfer provisions 
  • ...and much, much more!